Posts tagged with native species. View all posts

Case Study Quantifies Value of Restored Native Vegetation in Eagle Ford Shale Play

College Station, TX—Texan by Nature (TxN), in partnership with EOG Resources Inc. (EOG),  EcoMetrics, LLC, and Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute (NRI), released report “Valuing Native Vegetation Restoration on Oil & Gas Rights of Way,” which details the results of a new case study designed to quantify the environmental and economic return of native rangeland restoration in the Eagle Ford Shale play.

Native Plants for Backyard Wildlife

A well-manicured lawn with perfectly trimmed trees and shrubs may look appealing to people, but it can be a veritable desert for many species of wildlife. The majority of ornamental plant species do not provide enough food or cover, making gardens unappealing to animals. Luckily, there are plenty of native plant species which look great and also support wildlife. Learn how to incorporate them into your landscaping in this article.