Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative June Newsletter

June, 2019

The birds are hatching eggs, and we're hatching plans! We're gearing up for the Bobwhite Brigades and Statewide Quail Symposium while providing a new podcast and video resources.

What's new with RQDI?

Are you ready for the Statewide Quail Symposium? We've got resources to help you get registered and book your room at discounted rates--check out this article.

We're getting ready for the Rolling Plains and South Texas Bobwhite Brigades in June! These youth camps focus on leadership and wildlife conservation.

"Podcast: Dr. Dale on Quail"

Dr. Dale Rollins has a new podcast all about--you guessed it--quail! The first three episodes are available at the link below or onSoundcloud. Look for a new episode each month.

All episodes available here!

"Video: Monitoring Quail for Eyeworms"

Ever wonder how researchers check quail for eyeworm parasites? We show you in this video. You won't believe how many can be hiding behind each eye.

Watch and learn here!


Continue reading the full newsletter here!

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