Authors: Israel D. Parker, Jeannette Parker, Andrea E. Montalvo, Roel R. Lopez, Nova J. Silvy, Alison A. Lund, Edward Barham, Drew S. Finn, Matthew Crawford

The status of endangered Odocoileus virginianus clavium (Key Deer) on outer islands of Florida was unknown following several recent population declines. In response, we opportunistically monitored the western extent of the current range of Key Deer in Flordia using cameras and in-person observations to determine deer presence. We found evidence of Key Deer on islands at the far western edge of their current range such as Lower Sugarloaf Key, Saddlebunch Keys, Boca Chica Key, and the first documented occurrence of Key Deer on East Rockland Key. We recommend more intensive monitoring to determine the extent of the current range use and to calculate a range-wide abundance estimate.

Suggested Citation

Parker, I.D., J. Parker, A.E. Montalvo, R.R. Lopez, N.J. Silvy, A.A. Lund, E. Barham, D.S. Finn and M. Crawford. 2020. Florida Key Deer Presence on Outer Islands Following New World Screwworm and Hurricane Irma. Southeastern Naturalist 19.