Texas has more than 142 million acres of working lands owned by 250,000+ private landowners, each with their own management objectives. These lands provide food and fiber, and support rural economies and recreational opportunities along with many other products and services.  

Released every 5 years by NRI's Texas Land Trends program, the Texas Landowner Survey seeks to understand private landowner needs and concerns in operating and managing their land. The survey covers topics ranging from land management, land loss and fragmentation, and landowner challenges and preferences, all of which serve to improve efforts in private land conservation.

An outcome of the landowner survey is to find better ways to serve Texas landowners through programming and technical guidance to meet their land management needs. NRI is providing expertise, data analyses and project management to support this work.


The 2022 Texas Landowner Survey was opened to determine if landowner preferences and needs have changed and how land and natural resource agencies and/or professionals can assist. Landowner participation and individual responses remained anonymous and confidential—responses were not associated with individuals or their property and will only be presented in aggregate form. 

The landowner questionnaire is divided into 6 topic areas, some mentioned above, like Land Management, Landowner Concerns, Land Loss and Fragmentation, Water and Hunting. It is mostly multiple-choice and should take about 20-30 minutes to complete using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. We are very grateful for survey participants, feedback and responses as any input from landowners makes positive impacts for Texans across the state. 

The 2023 Texas Landowner Survey Report is now available.




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