NRI releases Texas water survey for all Texans
In February, NRI's Texas Land Trends program released the 2022 Landowner Survey to find out more about the needs, preferences, concerns and challenges landowners face regarding everyday management of their land. Now, we’d like to hear from all Texans—but this time, we want to ask you about water.
With over 191,000 miles of waterways and aquifers today, Texas waters provide for our daily needs from consumption, household and recreational uses to commercial and agricultural operations. Despite the apparent abundance of water resources, our state’s population continues to increase at a staggering rate, and with it, so do the demands on water. Our health, well-being, safety and recreational opportunities depend on healthy, accessible, and affordable water sources, as does the Texas economy.

The Texas Water Survey was developed to determine daily use and management of water resources across Texas, in addition to challenges, concerns and water recreation experiences. We’re looking for responses from:
- water users — Texas residents who use water sources, such as public or private utility water, groundwater, rivers, streams or lakes;
- water providers — private or public water utility employees, water distributors, groundwater conservation districts, or other types of water providers;
- community leaders — elected or non-elected officials, community advocates, county commissioners, mayors, social workers, health professionals, educators, water planners, TWDB regional water planning groups, river authorities; or
- other water professionals — water utility workers, TCEQ professionals, plumbers, groundwater well drillers.
The voluntary survey is anonymous and confidential, and the collected responses will only be presented in aggregate form (e.g., averages, totals). It consists of 55 questions, divided into 10 topic areas: General Water Questions, Water Dependability, Accessibility of Information, Cost of Water, Future Water Needs, Water Quality, Water Recreation, Private Wells, Flooding and Drought, and Water Users.
The survey results will be shared with water professionals and community leaders to provide decision-makers with input from Texans and ways to recommend and develop programs, informational materials and technical guidance.
Most of the questions are multiple-choice, and the survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet. The survey will take about 5 minutes longer on a smartphone. Anyone who participates in the survey can enter a raffle to win 1 of 15 Yeti® Texas Land Trends tumblers at the end of the survey.
Begin the Texas Water Survey is now closed. (Updated 2023)