A Story Map: Texas Longleaf Landscapes
In the heart of East Texas stands the remaining acres of the longleaf pine forest. With tall, stately trees, lush grasses, forbs and wildflowers this iconic forest was historically and still is a wonderful part of our state’s natural heritage. Native Americans and European settlers derived food, medicine and fiber products for their lives. Deer, turkey, quail and other wildlife used the forest as habitat. Today we use the forests for many of the same benefits, including recreation. The beauty and aesthetics of the landscape are inspirational.
With the loss of forest acreage, there is a resurgence to protect and conserve remaining longleaf forests. There is sharing of information and technology to assist conversion of lands and with restoration and management of forests. From the history of longleaf, the diversity of management practices and rich conservation value, we developed a Story Map to bring you through the historic southeast range and restoration practices underway.
Follow along with us as we explore longleaf pine and test your knowledge at the end with a handy quiz!