Last week to take the Texas Landowner Survey
Released once every 5 years, the Texas Landowner Survey seeks to identify the special characteristics and values of the diverse people who collectively own and manage the 141 million acres of privately-owned farms and ranches in Texas.
The 2022 survey first opened in February to capture the ideas and feedback of thousands of private landowners across the state and is now set to close on Friday, May 13th.

If you’re a landowner or know someone who is, this survey is a rare opportunity to provide comprehensive input on: land management, land loss and fragmentation, water, hunting and landowner concerns.
The results are anonymous and will only be presented in an aggregate form; an example of past data usage can be found in the Texas Land Trends publication Status Update and Trends of Texas Working Lands 1997–2017. Presenting this survey once every 5 years allows data scientists to determine how landowner preferences and needs are changing over time and how the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute and other natural resource agencies can work together to better understand and meet those needs.
The questionnaire should take approximately 20–30 minutes to complete and is mostly multiple-choice questions. For an optimized experience, it is recommended to take the survey on a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Anyone who takes the survey has the chance to enter a raffle to win 1 of 15 Yeti® Texas Land Trends mugs.
The Landowner Survey is now closed (updated 2023).