HEB Funds Texas Longleaf Team’s Longleaf Pine Conservation
HEB generously supported the mission of the Texas Longleaf Team (TLT), a 2021 Texan by Nature (TxN) Conservation Wrangler, to restore the longleaf pine ecosystem in East Texas. HEB’s continued support of science-based, local conservation efforts drives the implementation and success of many conservation organizations and their missions across the state. HEB’s support of TLT will be deployed directly to private landowners who are working to restore, enhance, and maintain the environmentally and economically beneficial longleaf pine ecosystem on their land. Learn more about this unique and historic ecosystem in the TxN blog, How Fire Makes a Forest.
“The Texas Longleaf Team is excited to partner with HEB to promote restoration of the longleaf ecosystem in support of private landowners and rural communities in East Texas. Their support will promote carbon sequestration, water infiltration, biodiversity, recreation, and rural economies. Their investment is an investment in a sustainable East Texas and we are so proud to work with them!” —Jenny Sanders, NRI Project Specialist and Texas Longleaf Team Coordinator.

HEB and TLT connected in 2021 at TxN’s Conservation Summit, where TLT presented their work and its importance for the “business of conservation.” As a 2021 Conservation Wrangler, TLT received 18-months of tailored support in strategy, marketing, partnerships, outreach, and more. Watch their Conservation Wrangler video here to learn more.
“Texan by Nature’s mission is to unite business and conservation, and we are thrilled to see the results of that work playing out in real-time. Our Conservation Wranglers represent the best in science-based, impactful conservation, and those projects are often the perfect opportunity for businesses to add to their ESG, community, and philanthropic portfolios as we all work together to improve outcomes for our natural resources.” —Jenny Burden, Director of Development, Texan by Nature.
The Texas Longleaf Team invites all companies operating within East Texas to consider their footprint on the longleaf pine ecosystem and their potential to positively impact this beloved and environmentally beneficial ecosystem. Longleaf pine restoration contributes to water and air quality, wildlife habitat, and carbon benefits, making it ideal for meeting ESG goals. Not only is an investment in this work good for Texans, but it is good for a businesses’ bottom line.

If you are a landowner or consultant who has land that could be converted to longleaf, the Texas Longleaf Conservation Assistance Program will be accepting applications for cost-share assistance until April 15. Visit our website for more information or reach out to us at 936-225-2175 to learn about technical assistance and training opportunities.
For more information on how to get involved with the Texas Longleaf Team as a supporter, please reach out to Jenny Sanders. For more information about TxN Conservation Wrangler Program and how to support it, please reach out to info@texanbynature.org