Authors: Dr. Israel Parker and Dr. Andrea Montalvo

The Texas A&M NRI is a committed natural resources partner to DoD in military lands stewardship. The CESU Network provides a critical foundation for NRI’s stewardship efforts on dozens of DoD installations throughout North America. For example, the GC-CESU facilitated a cooperative agreement to conduct surveys and range analyses for the Desmarest’s hutia (Capromys pilorides) at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay (NSGB). The NRI conducted the work in close partnership with the NSGB natural resources manager, George Kenny, and U.S. Army veterinarian, Captain Rachel Lawrence. These efforts support NRI’s long-standing goal of providing usable information to natural resources managers while also advancing the CESU Network objective of providing quality information that supports informed decision-making for effective natural resources management.

Suggested Citation

Parker, I.D., and A.E. Montalvo. Winter 2020. Desmarest’s hutia population abundance and spatial ecology. Natural Selections. Department of Defense Natural Resources Program.