Abigail Holmes

Project Coordinator


Abigail joined the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute in April 2017 as a student assistant. She currently works as a Project Coordinator for a variety of projects, but she was instrumental in creating resources for the Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative (RQDI), a conservation program which sought to address the decades-long decline of quail populations in Texas through research, education, and outreach. Abigail provides educational resources for County Extension agents and landowners, creates scientific reports, and writes about wildlife ecology and management.

She received a Bachelors of Science in Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences from Texas A&M University in 2018, with a concentration in wildlife ecology.

In her free time, Abigail enjoys birding, reading, and camping.



The Managed Lands Deer Program and Families Who Hunt in Texas

The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute hosts The Land Steward Podcast each month with specialists in the field with diverse backgrounds to have relatable conversations about land and wildlife stewardship. In Episode 7, BW, our podcast host was able to bring the show on the road to her family’s ranch in the Hill Country to share candid interactions and discussions about managing deer populations as a family and how that experience has shifted the mindset on the ranch. 

The Winter Sourcebook Volume VI is here

Directly from the field, the Winter 2025 NRI Sourcebook is here. Each season, we publish a digital collection of recently published peer-reviewed scientific publications, research reports, and resources developed to support the improvement of conservation, natural resource management, and private land stewardship. This collection is for you, your partners and community to use and share where we can collaborate to create resiliency.

Scientist Q&A with Dr. Sarah Turner

Like many scientists, Research Assistant Professor Dr. Sarah Turner, took a circuitous route to find her passion. We had the opportunity to sit down with her to learn more about her academic background—brimming with brilliant mentors, interesting internships and lots of challenging work—her education, fieldwork, and her future endeavors as she moves into an instructional role at Texas A&M.

NRI Scientists Mentor Youth in the Norman Borlaug Youth in Agriculture Program

Because we are uniquely positioned to speak on land trend issues, we seek to share our expertise about critical natural resource issues with all Texans. Most recently, we had the chance to mentor some of our future leaders and on how they can work together to improve Texas lands from their own hometowns.

The ESA and the Role of Private Lands with Tiffany McFarland

One of the most important aspects of our work is sharing conservation knowledge and experiences with private landowners, citizen scientists, and policymakers. This exchange with the public is crucial for any kind of conservation success, and we are honored to share our findings through our researchers, experts, and communicators. For the last 15 years, one of NRI’s research associates, Tiffany McFarland, has been involved with the research and management of endangered species. This spring, she had the opportunity to visit with land stewards about the role of private lands and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Ranching & Wildlife Expo, where she shared background information about the ESA and why private land managers are so important to ensuring the longevity of rare species.

Resources for new landowners: Wildlife

As a new landowner, it is crucial to keep wildlife top-of-mind when developing land management plans. This requires knowing which species are present on a particular tract of land, as well as understanding the relationship each species has with its habitat and the ways in which it sculpts the landscape.

Celebrating Texas Quail at the Statewide Quail Symposium

The much anticipated 2019 Statewide Quail Symposium kicked off with the August 14th field day located at the MT7 Ranch in Breckenridge, TX. More than 140 attendees joined a caravan of white pickup trucks to learn from habitat management experts at the MT7, including several members of the ranch’s management team, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute (NRI) professionals, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) representatives, and others...

Resources for new landowners: Vegetation

After reviewing the complexities of soil management, gaining knowledge about vegetation is the next crucial step in a new landowner’s management education. Let's dive into the different plant ID resources at your disposal and take an intentional look at the uses of vegetation for wildlife and practical ways to manage your property to encourage the right kind of plant growth.

Resources for New Landowners: Soil Management

Private Land Stewardship is a core component of our mission at the NRI, and our goal is to provide landowners with the resources they need to better care for their land. For new or future landowners, the best time to gather knowledge and information is before making management decisions that will have lasting effects on the land. Thinking of well-managed land conjures up images of lush, green fields and healthy wildlife populations, but it is important to stop and consider where it all begins—with the cultivation of healthy soils.

Reversing the Quail Decline at EarthX 2019

Read about this year’s successful EarthX Dallas conference, held from April 26-28, with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and NRI’s Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative booth. 

Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Texas Quail

Researchers have identified a variety of changes that both plants and animals may undergo in response to global warming such as shifts in distribution, earlier breeding times, and reduced breeding performance. Read more on how each species of quail, including bobwhite, could be affected. 

Rio Grande Wild Turkey Management in Texas

As fall hunting season in Texas rapidly approaches, it may be time to evaluate the quality of your Rio Grande Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) habitat and determine the health on your land.

Spotlight on Quail Predators: Coyotes and the Mesopredator Release Hypothesis

Coyotes are widely assumed to be a major threat to quail populations, but are such accusations warranted? It is hard to deny that these canine predators will eat an adult quail or snack on a clutch of eggs if the opportunity presents itself, but they may not be the malevolent quail-eaters that many believe them to be. 

Identifying and Documenting Species with iNaturalist: a great tool for private land stewards

There are many resources you can access to expand your knowledge of the species in your area, but few are more accessible than those on your phone. As citizen science continues to expand with the help of technology, apps are being developed with the sole purpose of helping amateur naturalists and landowners identify and better understand the plants and animals on their property.

NRI Members Showcased Efforts at the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting

The Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TCTWS) annual meeting is a time to present and discuss current research and recognize notable achievements in conservation leadership. NRI was well represented at this year's meeting by noteworthy scientific research presentations, employees who took on leadership roles within TCTWS, and extension outreach efforts.

Providing Backyard Shelter for Wildlife

If you are attempting to attract wildlife to your backyard, providing shelter is one of the best ways to ensure that animals feel safe enough to make your yard their home. It gives wild animals a place to relax, escape from predators, and endure inclement weather. Learn how to turn your yard into a wildlife haven in this article.

Providing Water for Backyard Wildlife

When choosing a water feature to attract wildlife to your backyard, you can often feel like you are drowning in options – and not all the choices are equally suited to benefit wildlife. There are three main ways to provide free water (i.e., water that is not contained in plants) for wildlife in your yard: birdbaths, ponds, and dripping water features. Read more about them in this article.