2020 Sentinel Landscapes Accomplishments Report Now Available
It is our pleasure to announce that the 2020 Sentinel Landscapes Accomplishments Report is now available! The report outlines how the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership enables the Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of the Interior (DOI) to collaborate on land conservation and natural resource restoration projects that enhance national security by increasing the resilience of military installations and ranges.
Over the past seven years, partnership projects have attracted over $141 million in DoD funds, $223 million in USDA funds, $41 million in DOI funds, $169 million in state funds, $15 million in local funds, and $80 million in private funds. These contributions have protected over 467,000 acres of land and implemented sustainable management practices on 2.3 million acres around high-value military testing and training areas.
The report was recently featured in a news article published by DoD about the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership. The article highlights the Partnership’s accomplishments to date and showcases a 12-minute documentary that tells the stories of the farmers, ranchers, conservationists, and military bases working together through sentinel landscapes to create a more sustainable future.
To find more information about the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership, please visit our project website https://sentinellandscapes.org/.